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Integrating B2B Data, Marketing, and Sales in the Cannabis Industry

Integrating B2B Data, Marketing, and Sales in the Cannabis Industry

Sales and marketing integration is essential to cannabis industry success, and the most powerful way to integrate these two functions is through the strategic use of data. In fact, revenue growth is 70% more common among B2B organizations that have tightly aligned sales and marketing departments than those organizations that have not integrated their sales and marketing teams according to the findings in Outfunnel’s Revenue Marketing Report 2022. 

How to Use a CRM Tool to Integrate Sales and Marketing for Better Results

How to Use a CRM Tool to Integrate Sales and Marketing for Better Results

Sales and marketing integration is essential to cannabis business success, and a critical step to remove barriers between sales and marketing teams is to use a robust and reliable customer relationship management (CRM) tool. 

How to Choose the Best CRM Tool for Your Cannabis or Cannabis-Related Business

How to Choose the Best CRM Tool for Your Cannabis or Cannabis-Related Business

The best CRM tool for your cannabis or cannabis-related business is one that includes features to manage all aspects of your brand’s relationships with prospective, current, and prior customers. CRM is so important to your business, but any old CRM software won’t do. The tool you choose must deliver the specific CRM benefits that cannabis and ancillary businesses need.

10 Ways CRM Can Boost Your Cannabis or Cannabis-Related Business

10 Ways CRM Can Boost Your Cannabis or Cannabis-Related Business

It’s extremely difficult to stay competitive in any industry today, including the cannabis industry, without a customer relationship management (CRM) system in place, and the data proves it. Companies using a CRM realize a 41% increase in revenue.

How to Create a B2B CRM Strategy for Your Cannabis Business

How to Create a B2B CRM Strategy for Your Cannabis Business

Today, customers expect businesses to know who they are, understand their wants and needs, personalize communications, and create experiences specifically for them. Your cannabis or cannabis-related business can’t meet and exceed customer expectations if you don’t know who they are and deliver what they want at the right times. Fortunately, a solid CRM strategy combined with CRM software can help you meet customers’ needs across the entire customer lifecycle – from prospect to loyal repeat customer and vocal brand advocate.

Benefits of CRM to Cannabis and Ancillary Businesses

Benefits of CRM to Cannabis and Ancillary Businesses

Customer relationship management (CRM) involves managing all interactions with every customer and lead to improve a company’s sales and reduce churn. CRM is important to all businesses working in and with the cannabis industry today. In fact, the benefits of CRM to cannabis and ancillary businesses of all sizes are far-reaching – affecting not just sales but also marketing and customer service.

Integrating CRM and Email Marketing for Powerful Results

Integrating CRM and Email Marketing for Powerful Results

Integrating your customer relationship management (CRM) and email marketing efforts can drive incremental results for every cannabis business and ancillary business today. Why? Because integration leads directly to better results, and the data proves it! 

Importance of CRM in the Cannabis Industry

Importance of CRM in the Cannabis Industry

Customer relationship management (CRM) is the process of communicating with and tracking leads and customers to improve interactions, close more sales, and deliver better customer experiences over time. For businesses operating in and with the cannabis industry, CRM can deliver tangible results that directly impact revenue, profits, and brand reputation.

How B2B Sales and Marketing Teams Use Email and CRM to Get Leads, Close Deals and Reduce Churn

How B2B Sales and Marketing Teams Use Email and CRM to Get Leads, Close Deals and Reduce Churn

Email marketing and CRM are essential to the success of cannabis and cannabis-related businesses today because they work together to help your sales and marketing teams do four critical things.