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marijuana business

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10 Factors that Determine a Cannabis Entrepreneur’s Success or Failure

10 Factors that Determine a Cannabis Entrepreneur’s Success or Failure

The cannabis industry in the United States may be facing challenges, but it’s still growing. That means there are many opportunities to join the industry either as a plant-touching or ancillary business, and savvy entrepreneurs continue to seek ways to cash in on that growth. 

From Acceptance to Accessibility – The Changing Tides of the Marijuana Industry

From Acceptance to Accessibility – The Changing Tides of the Marijuana Industry

Nearly 10 years ago a 2000 Pew Research poll found that just 31% of Americans supported cannabis legalization. That number nearly doubled by 2017 when Pew Research found that 61% of Americans favored legalization.

Irrigation: Know Before You Grow

Irrigation: Know Before You Grow

The marijuana cultivation landscape continues to evolve in the arid western United States. Many Western states have legalized adult-use marijuana (Alaska, California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington), and as a result, ...

Marketing Challenges in the Marijuana Industry

Marketing Challenges in the Marijuana Industry

For businesses in the marijuana industry, the list of marketing challenges that have to be overcome in order to raise awareness, recognition, sales, and loyalty for brands and products is very long. As part of a highly regulated industry, ...

5-Part Trademark Strategy that Increases the Value of a Marijuana License

5-Part Trademark Strategy that Increases the Value of a Marijuana License

In business, a trademark is a valuable asset. It helps a company protect the time and money it invests over the years building a recognizable brand in the marketplace, and it ensures that no one else can trade on that value.

Big Businesses Force Small Businesses out of the Marijuana Market

Big Businesses Force Small Businesses out of the Marijuana Market

Signs of big businesses taking over the marijuana industry have been visible for quite a while with oligopoly conditions developing in states like Florida and Texas as early as mid-2017. Given the fact that the marijuana market is expected to grow ...

Intersection of Policy and Technology in the Marijuana Industry – What’s Next?

Intersection of Policy and Technology in the Marijuana Industry – What’s Next?

The world is dependent on technology, which means tech plays a critical role in every industry. That includes the marijuana industry, but policy changes are still the norm in this industry. What happens when policy and technology intersect in the marijuana industry today?

The Trouble with Email Marketing for Marijuana Businesses

The Trouble with Email Marketing for Marijuana Businesses

Given the many restrictions that marijuana and marijuana-related businesses face when trying to promote their brands, products, and services, it would seem that email marketing is a great option for these businesses. Every state’s laws are different, ...

The Marijuana Industry – 2017 Year in Review

The Marijuana Industry – 2017 Year in Review

As a follow up to my last article for the Cannabiz Media Blog about marijuana industry trends and predictions for 2018, I thought it’s a good time to take a look back at the marijuana industry in 2017. The year began with excitement following the ...

Expanded Solutions Delivered By Cannabiz Media

Expanded Solutions Delivered By Cannabiz Media

The Cannabiz Media License Tracking Database is constantly evolving. Rolling out an updated platform just this week, the newest features provide immeasurable value to subscribers. These new features include:

Canadian Investors Know the Value of a Marijuana Business is in the License

Canadian Investors Know the Value of a Marijuana Business is in the License

A significant part of the value of a marijuana business is its marijuana license. This is a fact that Canadian investors and companies understand, and it’s prompting many of them to invest tens of millions of dollars into U.S. marijuana businesses.

Will We See You at the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo in Washington?

Will We See You at the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo in Washington?

Are you going to the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo in Washington, D.C. next month? Cannabiz Media will be there attending the sessions and events as well as exhibiting at Booth #1122. Be sure to stop by our booth and visit with us!

Technology Risks Paralyze Marijuana-Related Businesses

Technology Risks Paralyze Marijuana-Related Businesses

Nearly every business relies on technology in some way to operate. Without it, many businesses will have to stop operations entirely. It’s a very real problem that we’ve seen often in the news, and now, technology risks are affecting the marijuana industry on a large scale.

Marijuana Industry Trends and Factors Influencing Growth

Marijuana Industry Trends and Factors Influencing Growth

I spent the past week at the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo (MJBIZCON) in Las Vegas, Nevada where Cannabiz Media launched our new Marijuana Licensing Reference Guide: 2017 Edition as well as the Cannabiz Media Database and Directory.

Restrictive Laws Limit Medical Marijuana Program Success in New York and Beyond

Restrictive Laws Limit Medical Marijuana Program Success in New York and Beyond

New York isn’t the only state with overly restrictive medical marijuana regulations, but it is the state in the news about it during the past week. As USA Today reports, counties in the state of New York are experiencing huge gaps between ...

Is Franchising the Future of the Marijuana Business?

Is Franchising the Future of the Marijuana Business?

It’s not easy to cross state lines in the marijuana industry. Cannabis is still illegal at the federal level, and as we outline in detail in Cannabiz Media’s upcoming Marijuana Licensing Reference Guide: 2017 Edition (click here to be notified when the ...

Ohio Businesses Have Big Expectations for Medical Marijuana

Ohio Businesses Have Big Expectations for Medical Marijuana

Ohio’s medical marijuana bill was passed in May of this year and will go into effect on September 8, 2016. However, the system won’t be operational until September 2018. Rules and regulations for cultivators won’t be issued until May 6, 2017.

The Business of Medical Marijuana in Maryland Attracts Diverse Investors and Entrepreneurs

The Business of Medical Marijuana in Maryland Attracts Diverse Investors and Entrepreneurs

A total of 15 marijuana cultivation licenses are up for grabs this summer in Maryland, and a review of the 144 companies that submitted applications for cultivator licenses shows just how big the business of medical marijuana has become.

The Massive Medical Marijuana Market Opportunity

The Massive Medical Marijuana Market Opportunity

According to a new study by HelloMD, 84% of medical marijuana patients strongly agree that medical marijuana relieves pain and symptoms from a variety of ailments with few to no negative side effects. Furthermore, 94% of patients with medical ...

Marijuana Dispensary Goes Public with Big Growth Expectations

Marijuana Dispensary Goes Public with Big Growth Expectations

Under a merger agreement, marijuana-focused agriculture company Terra Tech Corp. will acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of retail medical marijuana dispensary Blum Oakland, which is located in Oakland, California.