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Ultimate Guide to B2B Email Marketing in the Cannabis Industry

Ultimate Guide to B2B Email Marketing in the Cannabis Industry

To help you improve your email marketing results, this article provides a compilation of tips and links that – when read completely – gives you a comprehensive guide to B2B email marketing in the cannabis industry. If you want to up your email marketing game, everything you need to get started is included in this ultimate guide.

Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for those who wish to put in the work, or it can be white noise to your recipients if you aren’t careful or try to take the “easy” way out. Especially if you’re in cannabis, where there are even more considerations to be wary of! So let’s review some do's and don’ts for email marketing, specific to the cannabis & hemp industry.

Building an Email Marketing Funnel for Sales

Building an Email Marketing Funnel for Sales

Not everyone is ready to buy from you at the moment they receive your email marketing message. That’s a fundamental truth that you need to accept or your email marketing initiatives will never deliver the results your business wants and needs. It’s also why creating email marketing funnels designed to move prospects from being unaware of your brand to being ready to buy are critical to your success.

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

If your sending volumes are low (under 5,000 in a day) then these new standards won’t apply to you. However these are considered best practices, so it is recommended that any commercial email sender adopts these new standards regardless of volume.

Have Cannabiz Media Create Targeted Emails For You

Have Cannabiz Media Create Targeted Emails For You

You’ve heard of do-it-yourself, but have you heard of do-it-for-me? Let us introduce do-it–for-me email marketing, available to users of the Cannabiz Media Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform.

How to Use the Cannabiz Media License Database as a One-Person Sales Team

How to Use the Cannabiz Media License Database as a One-Person Sales Team

The Cannabiz Media License Database is filled with cannabis and hemp industry leads to fill your sales pipeline, but if you’re a one-person sales team, it can be challenging to prioritize your efforts and get the best results. If that describes you, then you’re in luck because this article introduces you to tips to use the Cannabiz Media License Database effectively when you don’t have a team to help you.

Proven Ways to Segment Your Email List and Boost Results

Proven Ways to Segment Your Email List and Boost Results

Email marketing is one of the best ways to connect with cannabis and hemp license holders and businesses. However, if you’re not effectively segmenting your email list in order to send the most relevant marketing messages and offers, your results will suffer.

How to Use Lead Scoring to Increase Sales

How to Use Lead Scoring to Increase Sales

For a business to maximize revenue and profits, the sales team has to use its time strategically. Lead scoring is one of the most effective ways to enable every salesperson to optimize their time and focus on the leads that are most likely to convert into sales. 

How to Find and Sell to Your Hottest Leads with Email Marketing

How to Find and Sell to Your Hottest Leads with Email Marketing

Research shows at least 50% of your leads are not a good fit for the product or service you’re selling. In fact, only 25% of your leads are good enough to actually advance to a sale. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean your lead generation process is broken.

How B2B Email Marketing is Different for the Cannabis Industry

How B2B Email Marketing is Different for the Cannabis Industry

While there are many fundamentals of B2B email marketing that don’t differ from one industry to another, there are some nuances that you need to know to successfully promote your cannabis or cannabis-related business. 

The Cannabiz Media Email Success Academy is Now Open

The Cannabiz Media Email Success Academy is Now Open

We’re excited to announce that the Cannabiz Media Email Success Academy is now open and offering free cannabis email marketing courses to the public. In fact, these are the only email marketing certifications you can get that are specific to the cannabis and hemp industries.

B2B Email Marketing Trends for the Cannabis Industry in 2023

B2B Email Marketing Trends for the Cannabis Industry in 2023

The secret to successful B2B email marketing in 2023 will come down to strategy and adding value. This is true in the cannabis industry just as it is in other industries. Email users receive so many messages each day that the days of sending one sales message after another are over. In 2023, successful email marketing will require a more strategic approach that meets recipients where they are in the buyer journey. 

What to Do with New B2B Leads after an Event Like MJBizCon

What to Do with New B2B Leads after an Event Like MJBizCon

You’ve attended an important industry event, like MJBizCon, and now, it’s time to follow up with all of those new B2B sales leads that you collected. First, you need a follow-up strategy. Once you create your strategy, it’s time to put the plan into action – read on to learn how to do it.

Cannabis Industry Events  - How to Promote Your Business with Email Marketing

Cannabis Industry Events - How to Promote Your Business with Email Marketing

Participating in cannabis industry events can be an extremely effective way for your business to raise brand awareness among highly targeted audiences, build relationships, and increase sales. Today, digital marketing is more important than ever when you’re promoting your business to event attendees, and email marketing should be one of your top priorities.

Send Time Optimization Tips for Cannabis Industry Email Marketing

Send Time Optimization Tips for Cannabis Industry Email Marketing

The day and time that you send your email marketing campaigns can have a significant effect on your open rates, click rates, and results. Over the years, there has been a lot of research conducted to determine the best day and time to send email marketing messages in order to maximize open and click-through rates. Let’s take a closer look at what you should believe, what you shouldn’t, and how to use send time optimization rather than a magical day and time to improve your email marketing results.

7 Email Marketing Messages to Move People from Prospects to Customers

7 Email Marketing Messages to Move People from Prospects to Customers

For cannabis businesses and ancillary businesses, email marketing is one of the most effective tools to connect with prospects and turn them into customers. However, simply sending mass emails to every person you can won’t deliver the results you need.

Integrating CRM and Email Marketing for Powerful Results

Integrating CRM and Email Marketing for Powerful Results

Integrating your customer relationship management (CRM) and email marketing efforts can drive incremental results for every cannabis business and ancillary business today. Why? Because integration leads directly to better results, and the data proves it! 

Why Email Marketing is Essential to the Cannabis Industry and How to Leverage It for Profits

Why Email Marketing is Essential to the Cannabis Industry and How to Leverage It for Profits

Email marketing presents a significant opportunity for cannabis and ancillary businesses at a time when many traditional and digital marketing tactics are out of bounds or highly restricted for the cannabis industry. Research has repeatedly shown that email marketing works. According to Litmus, for every $1 spent on email marketing, businesses receive $42 in return, and McKinsey found that email marketing is 40x more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. 

When to Use Direct Email vs. Email Marketing to Build Your Business in the Cannabis Industry

When to Use Direct Email vs. Email Marketing to Build Your Business in the Cannabis Industry

Email is one of the most effective tools to build a business in the cannabis industry today, but you have a choice when it comes to connecting with prospects via email. Should you send a direct email message to each person you want to communicate with or should you send a message to a list of people? The answer comes down to whether you’re marketing to recipients or selling to them.

Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts to Get the Best Results

Email Marketing Do’s and Don’ts to Get the Best Results

There was a time when you could blast a single message to big list of email addresses and get decent results. Those days are over. Today, email service providers (ESPs) are the gatekeepers of people’s email inboxes, and they’ve invested a lot of resources into making sure the only messages people see in inboxes are one that recipients truly want. That means to get good email marketing results today, you need to understand and follow the do’s and don’ts of email marketing.