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marijuana license value

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How Patents Affect the Value of a Cannabis License and Investor Interest

How Patents Affect the Value of a Cannabis License and Investor Interest

One of the most effective ways to get the attention of investors is to offer something useful and unique to the market that isn’t easy to duplicate. Patents help you do it.

Cannabis Investing and License Values are on the Rise

Cannabis Investing and License Values are on the Rise

Cannabis investment interest comes from people looking to invest in public company stocks and from individuals, groups, and entities that want to invest capital into cannabis businesses and licenses themselves.

How Real Estate Affects the Value of a Marijuana License

How Real Estate Affects the Value of a Marijuana License

The term “cannabis effect” or “cannabis premium” refers to the inflated real estate costs that cannabis license holders are required to pay across the United States. The problem is the cost of real estate has a direct negative effect on a cannabis business, ...

The Value of a Marijuana License in California Just Went Up (Again)

The Value of a Marijuana License in California Just Went Up (Again)

The value of a marijuana license to businesses depends on a variety of factors. For medical marijuana licenses, the specific conditions covered is one of the biggest factors. If a state doesn’t allow medical marijuana for chronic pain, ...

5-Part Trademark Strategy that Increases the Value of a Marijuana License

5-Part Trademark Strategy that Increases the Value of a Marijuana License

In business, a trademark is a valuable asset. It helps a company protect the time and money it invests over the years building a recognizable brand in the marketplace, and it ensures that no one else can trade on that value.

Why Comprehensive Trademark Searches Matter to Marijuana Businesses

Why Comprehensive Trademark Searches Matter to Marijuana Businesses

The value of a marijuana license increases significantly if the business using the license has invested in building a scalable brand. That means the business must have a brand that can be protected and exploited based on trademark laws.

Recreational Marijuana Pushes the Value of Marijuana Licenses Even Higher

Recreational Marijuana Pushes the Value of Marijuana Licenses Even Higher

How much is a marijuana license worth? For anyone who wants to get into the business of growing, processing, or dispensing marijuana, a license could be worth millions of dollars. In fact, marijuana license sales in 2017 show their value keeps getting even higher.

Tourism, Reciprocity and the Business of Marijuana

Tourism, Reciprocity and the Business of Marijuana

What happens when medical marijuana patients travel out of their home states? Many don’t bring their marijuana on airplanes because they’re afraid it will be confiscated or worse, they’ll be arrested since marijuana is still illegal at the federal level.

The Border Effect is Strong in the Marijuana Industry

The Border Effect is Strong in the Marijuana Industry

The border effect happens when a product that is regulated differently in a neighboring state experiences a drop in sales for that product because consumers cross the state line to purchase it in the state where laws are more favorable.