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mergers and acquisitions

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Cannacurio Podcast Episode 53 with David Friedman of Panther Capital

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 53 with David Friedman of Panther Capital

On this Cannacurio episode, Ed and David Friedman of Panther Capital discuss his background in finance and how he entered the cannabis space, all things mergers and acquisitions in the software space, trends that we should be looking out for, and so much more!

Cannabis M&A and the Gartner Hype Cycle

Cannabis M&A and the Gartner Hype Cycle

Tracking mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in any emerging business ecosystem is always interesting. It allows you to see the madness of early-stage growth markets and the many ups and downs that are experienced before reaching market maturity. The cannabis industry has definitely experienced significant fluctuations in terms of M&A activity, as should be expected in an emerging industry.

Cannacurio #58: Who are the Go-To Advisors for Cannabis M&A?

Cannacurio #58: Who are the Go-To Advisors for Cannabis M&A?

In 2020, Cannabiz Media started researching cannabis mergers and acquisitions as a byproduct of license tracking. M&A is a key transaction because licenses change ownership in these deals. Recently, we wrote about which MSO’s led in buying versus building cannabis stores. For this post, we want to share what we found about who advised them. This data was obtained from our Cannabiz Intelligence™ Advisor Leaderboard.

Cannacurio #57:  Do Public MSOs Build or Buy Their Cannabis Stores?

Cannacurio #57: Do Public MSOs Build or Buy Their Cannabis Stores?

Cannabiz Media has been tracking cannabis and hemp licenses globally since 2015. Over those seven years, we have aggregated a mass of data on licenses, companies, and transactions that result in change of license ownership. After compiling 500 transactions in our Cannabiz Intelligence™ platform, we wanted to take a closer look at how key publicly traded MSOs were adding to their store footprints. Our goal was to determine which stores were “built” versus those that were “bought”.

Recreational Marijuana Pushes the Value of Marijuana Licenses Even Higher

Recreational Marijuana Pushes the Value of Marijuana Licenses Even Higher

How much is a marijuana license worth? For anyone who wants to get into the business of growing, processing, or dispensing marijuana, a license could be worth millions of dollars. In fact, marijuana license sales in 2017 show their value keeps getting even higher.