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washington marijuana

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Labor Unions Gain a Foothold in Washington Cannabis Industry

Labor Unions Gain a Foothold in Washington Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is growing and labor unions want to get in. Last month, the United Food and Commercial Workers union and cannabis retailer Have a Heart signed the state’s first cannabis collective bargaining agreement.

Washington State Brings in $23.5 Million in Marijuana Excise Taxes in July

Washington State Brings in $23.5 Million in Marijuana Excise Taxes in July

In the state of Washington, marijuana sales are growing faster than ever. During July, Washington collected a record-setting $23.5 million in excise taxes. That’s a 17.5% increase from the $20 million collected in June.

The Border Effect is Strong in the Marijuana Industry

The Border Effect is Strong in the Marijuana Industry

The border effect happens when a product that is regulated differently in a neighboring state experiences a drop in sales for that product because consumers cross the state line to purchase it in the state where laws are more favorable.

5 States Where the People’s Voices Really Do Impact Marijuana Laws

5 States Where the People’s Voices Really Do Impact Marijuana Laws

In many states where marijuana has been legalized in some manner, the people’s voices really do matter, and those voices are playing a significant role in marijuana regulations. In fact, some states aren’t just talking the talk when ...