Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Blackbird

Blackbird is a software, logistics, and operations company and distributor servicing the cannabis industry. The company offers online ordering and delivery of cannabis products in Nevada through its BlackbirdGo online marketplace and an all-in-one software solution for retailers. In addition, as a licensed distributor in Nevada and California, Blackbird moves product to every point in the supply chain.

Cannabiz Media spoke with Taylor Jones, Vice President of Sales at Blackbird, to learn more about his company and how they use the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform to grow their business.

Why Does Blackbird Subscribe to the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform?

Blackbird subscribes to the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform to support its sales team, save time, and increase ROI.

“The Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform has been an extreme value add,” says Taylor. “I really feel the ROI that we get out of it is simply incredible. The biggest value add is it’s a time saver, and time is the most valuable asset you have in sales. If you can do anything to become more efficient in your process and streamline things – where I can give my team data at their fingertips so they’re not searching the Department of Agriculture or Health websites trying to standardize all this information – there is a return on that simple investment of just our time.”

Taylor has been using the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform since 2018 and offers great examples of how to use it to get the best results.

He shares, “I’ll give you an example that shows how quickly we see ROI when using the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform. Missouri just issued 192 dispensary licenses. Out of those 192 licenses, 87 companies own those licenses. Once those are issued, they’ll get posted on the Missouri Department of Health website. That’s great, but what we’re able to do with the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform is as soon as licenses hit, we’re able to call them and start engaging with them prior to their making decisions on technology.

“From a new market standpoint, we’re able to engage with those license holders almost immediately once the licenses are issued. In growing markets like California, as they transferred from temporary licenses to annual licenses, we created a list in the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform and set alerts so I could wake up in the morning and get an email of every single license that was issued with contact information. That gave us the ability to quickly contact each license holder, hopefully, faster than our competitors.”

Taylor offers an additional tip for businesses navigating the coronavirus crisis. “If you can’t get in front of customers at trade shows,” he says, “then your outreach and cold calling has become even more important than it ever was before. I would highly recommend, not to our competitors, but to every other cannabis company that is targeting operators, that you should subscribe to the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform.”

What’s Next for Blackbird?

Since Baker Technologies and Blackbird merged into Tilt Holdings, the team has been actively working to combine its people and software under the Blackbird brand name. With the merger complete, Blackbird is focused on future growth. Taylor explains, “We’re really trying to take each point in the supply chain and give retailers the tools they need to be successful.”

For more information about Blackbird and to hear additional insights from Taylor Jones, follow the link and listen to Cannabiz Media’s recent Cannacurio podcast episode featuring Taylor as the special guest.

To learn more about how subscribing to the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform can help your business, follow the link and schedule a free demo.

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