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Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for those who wish to put in the work, or it can be white noise to your recipients if you aren’t careful or try to take the “easy” way out. Especially if you’re in cannabis, where there are even more considerations to be wary of! So let’s review some do's and don’ts for email marketing, specific to the cannabis & hemp industry.

Building an Email Marketing Funnel for Sales

Building an Email Marketing Funnel for Sales

Not everyone is ready to buy from you at the moment they receive your email marketing message. That’s a fundamental truth that you need to accept or your email marketing initiatives will never deliver the results your business wants and needs. It’s also why creating email marketing funnels designed to move prospects from being unaware of your brand to being ready to buy are critical to your success.

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

If your sending volumes are low (under 5,000 in a day) then these new standards won’t apply to you. However these are considered best practices, so it is recommended that any commercial email sender adopts these new standards regardless of volume.

B2B Social Selling in the Cannabis Industry – Tips and Best Practices

B2B Social Selling in the Cannabis Industry – Tips and Best Practices

Social selling is critical for companies to reach their sales and revenue goals. According to LinkedIn, social selling leaders generate 45% more sales opportunities and are 51% more likely to reach their sales quotas. In fact, 78% of companies that use social selling outperform companies that do not use social selling.

B2B Email Marketing Trends for the Cannabis Industry in 2023

B2B Email Marketing Trends for the Cannabis Industry in 2023

The secret to successful B2B email marketing in 2023 will come down to strategy and adding value. This is true in the cannabis industry just as it is in other industries. Email users receive so many messages each day that the days of sending one sales message after another are over. In 2023, successful email marketing will require a more strategic approach that meets recipients where they are in the buyer journey. 

What, When and How Often to Post on Social Media for B2B Cannabis Brands

What, When and How Often to Post on Social Media for B2B Cannabis Brands

When it comes to publishing social media content, what works for businesses in other industries won’t necessarily work for the cannabis industry. Let’s take a look at some of the best practices for what, when, and how often to post on social media to create a blueprint that B2B cannabis brands can start with.

How to Create B2B Buyer Personas to Improve Email Marketing Results

How to Create B2B Buyer Personas to Improve Email Marketing Results

There is one guaranteed way to get better email marketing results – both in terms of staying out of the spam folder and landing in the inbox as well as in terms of boosting open rates, click rates, and conversion. According to Google, the key is to only send messages people want.