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Cannacurio Podcast Episode 63 with Shahbaaz

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 63 with Shahbaaz

On this episode of the Cannacurio Podcast, Ed Keating chats with Shahbaaz Kara-Virani, Principal at SKVentures. They dive into Shahbaaz's unique career journey from Salesforce to the cannabis industry and discuss the key challenges and trends in cannabis business operations and technology. Learn about the importance of actionable data, the evolving cannabis tech stack, and how to navigate the fast-paced cannabis market.

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 62 with Patricia Rosi

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 62 with Patricia Rosi

On this episode of the Cannacurio Podcast, Ed Keating chats with Patricia Rosi, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer at Acreage Holdings. Their conversation touches on the evolution of cannabis brands, operational excellence, and the impact of federal policy changes. Tune in to learn about the key factors driving growth and innovation in the cannabis sector.

The Future of National Cannabis Brands

The Future of National Cannabis Brands

For the past several years, we’ve been watching the rise of cannabis brands, but as the industry inches closer to federal legalization, it won’t be long until we see full-scale national cannabis brands become part of our cultural lexicon – just like Coke, Uber, Amazon, and Google.

The Rise of Cannabis Brands

The Rise of Cannabis Brands

We’ve entered a new phase of the cannabis industry where building brands will be what sets competitors apart in the future. The cannabis industry is moving closer to becoming a consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry every day. As a result, businesses have to focus on building brand awareness and shaping brand preferences more than ever.

Top 5 Cannabis Business Resolutions for 2021

Top 5 Cannabis Business Resolutions for 2021

We made it through 2020! Whether you’re a cannabis license holder or you operate an ancillary cannabis business, January marks the time to focus on improvements, and after the year we just went through, business resolutions are a must for 2021 – particularly branding and marketing resolutions.

Brand Building in the Hemp CBD Market

Brand Building in the Hemp CBD Market

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) began accepting state and tribal hemp production plans in 2019, and already, 17 states’ plans and 29 tribes’ plans have been approved. Additional state and tribal plans are in various stages of drafting and review.