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oregon marijuana

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Can Oregon Solve Its Cannabis Cultivation Problems?

Can Oregon Solve Its Cannabis Cultivation Problems?

Oregon’s recreational marijuana program sales began in 2016 after an initial harvest that was naturally contained by weather. Things looked promising, and the state, which doesn’t limit the number of cultivator licenses or the amount of marijuana ...

The Border Effect is Strong in the Marijuana Industry

The Border Effect is Strong in the Marijuana Industry

The border effect happens when a product that is regulated differently in a neighboring state experiences a drop in sales for that product because consumers cross the state line to purchase it in the state where laws are more favorable.

Oregon Marijuana Licenses Just Got More Valuable

Oregon Marijuana Licenses Just Got More Valuable

A marijuana license is only as valuable as its ability to generate revenue for the license holder (or holders) as well as the various third parties who are able to profit indirectly from that marijuana license. New laws in Oregon are making marijuana ...

5 States Where the People’s Voices Really Do Impact Marijuana Laws

5 States Where the People’s Voices Really Do Impact Marijuana Laws

In many states where marijuana has been legalized in some manner, the people’s voices really do matter, and those voices are playing a significant role in marijuana regulations. In fact, some states aren’t just talking the talk when ...