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Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for those who wish to put in the work, or it can be white noise to your recipients if you aren’t careful or try to take the “easy” way out. Especially if you’re in cannabis, where there are even more considerations to be wary of! So let’s review some do's and don’ts for email marketing, specific to the cannabis & hemp industry.

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

If your sending volumes are low (under 5,000 in a day) then these new standards won’t apply to you. However these are considered best practices, so it is recommended that any commercial email sender adopts these new standards regardless of volume.

3 Factors Determine if Email Marketing Messages Go to Inboxes or Spam

3 Factors Determine if Email Marketing Messages Go to Inboxes or Spam

There is a lot more than words and phrases that goes into where your email marketing messages end up – inboxes or spam and junk folders. Today, email service providers (ESPs), like Google, Outlook, Yahoo, Apple Mail and so on, have elaborate algorithms that they use to determine which messages go to inboxes, which go to spam, and which are blocked entirely. It’s up to email marketers to keep up on current email marketing best practices to ensure the campaigns they send have the best chances to land in inboxes.

How Cannabiz Media Validates Emails

How Cannabiz Media Validates Emails

Anyone can claim to use “third party verification” on emails - there are countless tools to validate both the structure of an email address and the likelihood it will route to an inbox. Unfortunately, that’s less than half the battle.