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Cannacurio Podcast Episode 63 with Shahbaaz

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 63 with Shahbaaz

On this episode of the Cannacurio Podcast, Ed Keating chats with Shahbaaz Kara-Virani, Principal at SKVentures. They dive into Shahbaaz's unique career journey from Salesforce to the cannabis industry and discuss the key challenges and trends in cannabis business operations and technology. Learn about the importance of actionable data, the evolving cannabis tech stack, and how to navigate the fast-paced cannabis market.

5 Ways to Be Successful at Cannabis Business Meetings and Networking Events

5 Ways to Be Successful at Cannabis Business Meetings and Networking Events

Whether you’re a cannabis license holder, ancillary business, or aspiring cannabis industry entrepreneur, attending networking events, conferences, and business meetings is critical to your success.

How to Write a Business Plan for the Cannabis Industry

How to Write a Business Plan for the Cannabis Industry

If you want to get a cannabis license or money to fund a business working in or with the cannabis industry, then you need a business plan. But not just any plan will do. You need an amazing business plan to stand out in the cannabis industry.

10 Factors that Determine a Cannabis Entrepreneur’s Success or Failure

10 Factors that Determine a Cannabis Entrepreneur’s Success or Failure

The cannabis industry in the United States may be facing challenges, but it’s still growing. That means there are many opportunities to join the industry either as a plant-touching or ancillary business, and savvy entrepreneurs continue to seek ways to cash in on that growth. 

Cannabis Industry Events  - How to Promote Your Business with Email Marketing

Cannabis Industry Events - How to Promote Your Business with Email Marketing

Participating in cannabis industry events can be an extremely effective way for your business to raise brand awareness among highly targeted audiences, build relationships, and increase sales. Today, digital marketing is more important than ever when you’re promoting your business to event attendees, and email marketing should be one of your top priorities.

Data is the Holy Grail of Business – Here’s What You Need to Know

Data is the Holy Grail of Business – Here’s What You Need to Know

Did you know that data-driven organizations are 23-times more likely to acquire customers and 6-times more likely to retain customers? They’re also 19-times more likely to be profitable. Information is power, and when a company has access to the right data, it can use that data to drive business growth and success rather than simply using data to report and reflect on the company’s performance.

Networking Tips for Cannabis Industry Professionals

Networking Tips for Cannabis Industry Professionals

Whether you want to find a job in the cannabis industry, launch a startup, find investors, or strengthen your business’ cannabis industry supply chain, effectively networking with other cannabis industry professionals can help you reach your goals.

CCPA and CPRA Compliance: What Cannabis Businesses Need To Do Now

CCPA and CPRA Compliance: What Cannabis Businesses Need To Do Now

Enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) began on July, 1 2020. The CCPA gives consumers who reside in California significantly more control over how companies use their personal information.

Legitimizing the Cannabis Industry: Terminology and Codes of Conduct

Legitimizing the Cannabis Industry: Terminology and Codes of Conduct

By improving professionalism in the cannabis industry and elevating the customer experience, the entire industry will break the negative stereotypes of cannabis and cannabis users. In fact, it’s already happening.

Cannacurio: California Microbusinesses

Cannacurio: California Microbusinesses

Currently California’s Bureau of Cannabis Control has issued 267 active microbusiness licenses. In order to hold a California microbusiness license, a licensee must engage in at least three of the following cannabis business activities:

How to Ensure Your Email Marketing and CRM Comply with CCPA

How to Ensure Your Email Marketing and CRM Comply with CCPA

With the launch of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and news about additional states passing enhanced privacy regulations in the near future, the data in your email marketing and customer relationship management (CRM) ...

What’s Next for CCPA and Data Privacy in the United States?

What’s Next for CCPA and Data Privacy in the United States?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect on January 1, 2020 and enforcement will begin on July 1, 2020. It’s the first of what will be many new state privacy laws, and it includes numerous protections for consumers as well ...

New Focus for the Cannabis and Hemp Industries in 2020

New Focus for the Cannabis and Hemp Industries in 2020

It’s been said that 2020 will be the biggest year for the cannabis industry in the United States, but for that statement to hold true, the industry needs to shift its focus. In many states, markets are maturing, and we’re already seeing far-reaching effects.

The Effect of Ballot Initiatives vs. Legislation on the Marijuana Market

The Effect of Ballot Initiatives vs. Legislation on the Marijuana Market

As of today, only 23 states in the country allow cannabis law reform through ballot initiatives for citizens to vote. That means more than half of states only allow changes to be made to cannabis laws through legislation.

Are Local Marijuana License Fees Extortionate?

Are Local Marijuana License Fees Extortionate?

Local marijuana license fees can have a significant impact in a state’s marijuana industry. In some states where medical and/or recreational marijuana has been legalized, local municipalities are given a great deal of leeway in determining what marijuana businesses can and can’t do within their borders.

Irrigation: Know Before You Grow

Irrigation: Know Before You Grow

The marijuana cultivation landscape continues to evolve in the arid western United States. Many Western states have legalized adult-use marijuana (Alaska, California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington), and as a result, ...

5 Innovations from Creative Marijuana Entrepreneurs

5 Innovations from Creative Marijuana Entrepreneurs

The marijuana industry is bursting with creative innovations from marijuana entrepreneurs. As the marijuana industry grows, we’re seeing smart entrepreneurs shifting mainstream solutions to the cannabis market, and we’re seeing many new innovations debut.

Businesses that Stigmatize the Marijuana Industry

Businesses that Stigmatize the Marijuana Industry

Despite the fact that medical and/or recreational marijuana is legal in 32 states and 62% of Americans support legalizing marijuana for adult-use, there are still some businesses operating outside of the marijuana industry that won’t (or can’t) ...

Smart Entrepreneurs are Shifting Mainstream Solutions to the Marijuana Industry

Smart Entrepreneurs are Shifting Mainstream Solutions to the Marijuana Industry

Despite what many entrepreneurs might think, the marijuana industry isn’t a gold rush waiting for just anyone to jump in and strike it rich. On the contrary, this is a challenging industry that only the most patient entrepreneurs can thrive in.

Big Businesses Force Small Businesses out of the Marijuana Market

Big Businesses Force Small Businesses out of the Marijuana Market

Signs of big businesses taking over the marijuana industry have been visible for quite a while with oligopoly conditions developing in states like Florida and Texas as early as mid-2017. Given the fact that the marijuana market is expected to grow ...