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Ultimate Guide to B2B Email Marketing in the Cannabis Industry

Ultimate Guide to B2B Email Marketing in the Cannabis Industry

To help you improve your email marketing results, this article provides a compilation of tips and links that – when read completely – gives you a comprehensive guide to B2B email marketing in the cannabis industry. If you want to up your email marketing game, everything you need to get started is included in this ultimate guide.

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 63 with Shahbaaz

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 63 with Shahbaaz

On this episode of the Cannacurio Podcast, Ed Keating chats with Shahbaaz Kara-Virani, Principal at SKVentures. They dive into Shahbaaz's unique career journey from Salesforce to the cannabis industry and discuss the key challenges and trends in cannabis business operations and technology. Learn about the importance of actionable data, the evolving cannabis tech stack, and how to navigate the fast-paced cannabis market.

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 62 with Patricia Rosi

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 62 with Patricia Rosi

On this episode of the Cannacurio Podcast, Ed Keating chats with Patricia Rosi, Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer at Acreage Holdings. Their conversation touches on the evolution of cannabis brands, operational excellence, and the impact of federal policy changes. Tune in to learn about the key factors driving growth and innovation in the cannabis sector.

Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Cannabis Email Marketing: Do's & Don'ts

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for those who wish to put in the work, or it can be white noise to your recipients if you aren’t careful or try to take the “easy” way out. Especially if you’re in cannabis, where there are even more considerations to be wary of! So let’s review some do's and don’ts for email marketing, specific to the cannabis & hemp industry.

Building an Email Marketing Funnel for Sales

Building an Email Marketing Funnel for Sales

Not everyone is ready to buy from you at the moment they receive your email marketing message. That’s a fundamental truth that you need to accept or your email marketing initiatives will never deliver the results your business wants and needs. It’s also why creating email marketing funnels designed to move prospects from being unaware of your brand to being ready to buy are critical to your success.

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

Breaking Down What You Need to Know about New Email Standards from Gmail and Yahoo

If your sending volumes are low (under 5,000 in a day) then these new standards won’t apply to you. However these are considered best practices, so it is recommended that any commercial email sender adopts these new standards regardless of volume.

Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Cannabis Marketing Association

Cannabiz Media Client Spotlight – Cannabis Marketing Association

Cannabiz Media spoke with Cannabis Marketing Association CEO Lisa Buffo to learn how CMA leverages the email marketing tool within the Cannabis Market Intelligence Platform to promote its events.

These 5 Marketing Strategies Just May Be The Oomph You Need!

These 5 Marketing Strategies Just May Be The Oomph You Need!

We are now two weeks into the beginning of 2024, and incorporating strategic marketing initiatives is vital, so we put together a list of 5 five strategies to drive revenue in the initial months of the year.

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 56 with Lisa Buffo of Cannabis Marketing Association

Cannacurio Podcast Episode 56 with Lisa Buffo of Cannabis Marketing Association

On this Cannacurio episode, Ed and Lisa Buffo of the Cannabis Marketing Association discuss how she got her start in marketing, why she decided to start CMA, the benefits of being a member, their awards program, and so much more!

Ultimate Guide To Converting Leads Into Customers After Cannabis Industry Events Like MJBizCon

Ultimate Guide To Converting Leads Into Customers After Cannabis Industry Events Like MJBizCon

Trade shows, conferences, and events offer excellent opportunities for business-to-business (B2B) companies operating in and with the cannabis industry to generate new leads. But what do you do with those leads when you get back to the office? 

5 Hacks to Maximize Sales from Your B2B Trade Show Exhibit

5 Hacks to Maximize Sales from Your B2B Trade Show Exhibit

To maximize sales from your trade show exhibit at business-to-business (B2B) cannabis industry events, you need to know the tricks that are effective today. The five “hacks” discussed in this article can make the difference between just collecting business cards and actually attracting viable leads for your company that drive a positive return on your investment. 

What to Post on "Twitter" (and Examples of Cannabis Companies Mastering It)

What to Post on "Twitter" (and Examples of Cannabis Companies Mastering It)

Navigating the nuances of Twitter (now X) for businesses can be daunting. In this blog post, we will unravel effective strategies, providing actionable insights inspired by successful cannabis companies, to help you harness the full potential of X for your enterprise.

What to Post on LinkedIn (and Examples of Cannabis Companies Setting the Standard)

What to Post on LinkedIn (and Examples of Cannabis Companies Setting the Standard)

Figuring out what to share on LinkedIn can prove to be a complex task, so we put together this roundup of post ideas with effective content concepts (and multiple examples) illustrating how B2B cannabis companies excel on the platform.

What to Post on Instagram (And Examples of Cannabis Companies Who Kill It!)

What to Post on Instagram (And Examples of Cannabis Companies Who Kill It!)

It can be difficult to figure out what to post, plus navigating on how to stay in Meta’s good graces as a cannabis company, so we put together this roundup of the top 6 post ideas (with industry all-star examples!) to help boost your engagement, build your brand within the cannabis community, provide a personal voice and add variety to your grid.

Instagram Marketing for Cannabis Businesses and Cannabis-Related Businesses

Instagram Marketing for Cannabis Businesses and Cannabis-Related Businesses

Content published by businesses on Instagram can directly lead to increased brand awareness, word-of-mouth marketing, and sales. In fact, Audience Project’s 2020 Insights report revealed that Instagram is now the most popular social media platform for people to follow brands.

Twitter Cannabis Advertising for B2B and B2C

Twitter Cannabis Advertising for B2B and B2C

On February 14, 2023, Twitter became the first major social media platform to allow cannabis advertising for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) brands and companies. In an announcement published on the Twitter website, the company said it had relaxed its cannabis ads policy in certain U.S. states to create more opportunities for responsible cannabis marketing.

How to Create a B2B Sales Strategy in the Cannabis Industry and Measure Your Success

How to Create a B2B Sales Strategy in the Cannabis Industry and Measure Your Success

Creating a B2B sales strategy in the cannabis industry, developing a plan to execute the strategy, and measuring success can be challenging. The factors and tips discussed in this article will help you create a strategy that works for your business.

How to Use the Cannabiz Media License Database as a One-Person Sales Team

How to Use the Cannabiz Media License Database as a One-Person Sales Team

The Cannabiz Media License Database is filled with cannabis and hemp industry leads to fill your sales pipeline, but if you’re a one-person sales team, it can be challenging to prioritize your efforts and get the best results. If that describes you, then you’re in luck because this article introduces you to tips to use the Cannabiz Media License Database effectively when you don’t have a team to help you.

How to Use Lead Scoring to Increase Sales

How to Use Lead Scoring to Increase Sales

For a business to maximize revenue and profits, the sales team has to use its time strategically. Lead scoring is one of the most effective ways to enable every salesperson to optimize their time and focus on the leads that are most likely to convert into sales. 

How to Find and Sell to Your Hottest Leads with Email Marketing

How to Find and Sell to Your Hottest Leads with Email Marketing

Research shows at least 50% of your leads are not a good fit for the product or service you’re selling. In fact, only 25% of your leads are good enough to actually advance to a sale. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean your lead generation process is broken.